A Quick Guide to Korean Snowboard Fashion Trends

A Quick Guide to Korean Snowboard Fashion Trends
Do you also want to look like a Korean snowboarder? Here’s five things you need to do:

1. Go Colourful.
It pretty much goes without saying that this is the major trend in Korean snowboarding. Find the brightest coloured garments and gear you can and rock them all at once in one blazing multicoloured ensemble.

2. Oversize
Another huge trend you might think, but in fact the photos are a bit misleading, the trend is for ordinary sized clothes and the South Korean snowboarders are just very tiny people. 

3. Ineffective Snowboarding Clothing
In Korea they don’t limit themselves to wearing practical snowboard gear like anyone else in the world would, so don’t let yourself be limited by stuffy convention. Feel free to wear anything as long as it’s vaguely snowboard themed. 

4. Ass Protection
No one protects their asses quite as much as the Koreans. Get some.

5. Posing.
If you are going to wear some fly gear, get your pose on. This is something done in the rest of the snowboarding world but the Koreans are true masters of the art.
What’s Going On?
Thanks to the power of protectionism it’s very hard work to import foreign goods into Korea. As a result there is an opportunity for local businesses to supply the market with cheaper equivalents and that’s why there are so many Korean snowboard brands. Japan by comparison, the world’s second largest economy and the country with the most ski resorts per person in the world, has no significant home-grown snowboard brands.

Great idea you might think, but unfortunately because these companies grow up without international competition their stuff usually ends up being overpriced, a bit shonky and as we’ve seen here a bit too specialised to the local market. Despite their advantage at home, when Korean firms try to export to other countries they often struggle, so don’t expect to see any of this stuff round your local store anytime soon.


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